About Us

Our company is founded on years of accumulation of experience and knowledge in the field, and we aim to protect our place amongst respected companies through our value for development and investments on engineering and quality. Through systematically updated machine parkour and laboratories we aim to not only create timely products but also ensure top quality of our products. Our area of expertise includes machine and spare part manufacturing, machining, mold and fixture manufacturing, hard facing welding and steel construction Works. We serve our customers with a machine park and capacity that expands every day.

The production facility in Turkey is based on 2.500 m2 and operates with more than 40 staff. In our technical Office comprised of engineers and technicians design and manufacturing processes are carried out with the help of CAD/CAM applications. Our quality control and safety team consistently carries out controls and laboratory services to ensure that the right product reaches our customers. We conduct controls and audits through internal and third party checks and report these in order to increase our quality every day.

In order to ensure the safety of our products, machines and workers- our facilities are watched with 24/7 CCTV system. The products of our customers and our facilities are safely protected under All Risk insurance.

Our Values

  • Using available resources in the best possible way and ensuring customer satisfaction with the services we provide,
  • Making quality- protecting nature, work safety and workers health a responsibility for all staff at KM Kılıç Machine,
  • Complying with related legal obligations through systematic controls and appropriate prevention measures,
  • Giving our staff knowledge to work consciously with the regards to quality, environment and safety through appropriate trainings and instructions,
  • Working together with customers and suppliers in all fields in order to prevent mistakes and eliminate mistakes that are discovered,
  • Sharing the expertise, experiences and knowledge we have accumulated in our field with the public, our customers and suppliers,
  • Using the best and newest technology that is needed for our development in our equipment,
  • Preventing potential emergency situations through preventative measures and giving clear and explanatory information about the outcomes of our activities,
  • Decreasing our solid waste, environmentally harmful emissions and wastewater through using energy sustainably and applying appropriate techniques,